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Homeschool 2020

As we embark on this new journey, both parents and kids are learning how to adapt to these unprecedented times. While some are trying to figure out what’s going on, others have hand washing and sanitizing down to a science. Anxiety and fear are intensified as financial struggles set off by lay-offs and cutbacks increase. And if that isn’t bad enough, some parents are trying to figure out 5th-grade algebra. Personally, as we roll into 566 days of quarantine, I have repeated too many times to count, Google it.

So how do we get through this?

1. Set a schedule. It doesn’t have to be a strict schedule, just something to give the day some sort of structure. Do not forget to add your meals and snacks to this schedule; this MAY help with your kids not eating you out of house and home.

2. Create a work area, even if it’s the dining room table. Make sure it’s a quiet area without distractions (as much as possible).

3. Start with the more complicated material first. If you leave the harder work for last, after 11 arguments, you nor your child will care if the project is finished.

4. Set daily and weekly goals. Whether the goal is to read a book or clean the bathroom, everything runs smoother when you have a plan.

5. Take breaks. Lunch, snack, and naps for little ones. Don’t forget your breaks, even if it’s just to lock yourself in the bathroom for 15 minutes.

6. Go outside. Talk a walk or jump on your bike; exercise is good for the mind, body, and soul.

7. Talk to your kids. The issues are complex; however, try sharing small details in layman terms. Remember, they feed off your energy. If you are anxious, chances are they concerned, and if you are calm, again, chances are they are too. They take their cues for you!

On a positive note, we get to spend quality time with our families. I am losing my mind after day 566; however, I am enjoying our extra time together. I did have to beg everyone to finish a puzzle together but guess what, we got it done, AND everyone had fun. It’s time to set new traditions in our homes, use the time it wisely. We wished for more time. Well, here it is!

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